
email address bears

Changes in the Committee
Secretary: Catherine Bracken
Treasurer: Frances O'Brien
Membership Secretary: Catherine Horgan
Walks Secretary: David and Catherine Hand
Environment Officer: Tomás O Broin
Ballyhoura Bears delegate to Ballyhoura Fáilte meetings: Joan Neill
Membership is now due.
Please download the form and when returning to Catherine Horgan please 
  1. Tick either Full membership or Associate 
  2. Write on the bottom of the form how much you have paid and when you paid if using EFT
Please remember that your details will be sent to MI who then issue your card. This can take a few weeks and once Catherine receives your card it will be forwarded to you.
Path Maintenance
A group was formed at the AGM to help maintain the  paths in the local area where we all walk. It is envisaged that this group will come together about 2/3 times a year to help clear those areas which are neglected. if you are interested and would like to be involved please contact the club through the secretary. this is of interest to all A,B and C walkers.
The Constitution Of the Club
You are all invited to read the draft as sent previous to the AGM and make suggestions or comment on any part of it that you disagree with. Please make these submissions by January 31st at the latest through the secretary.
Pre-Christmas Gathering
Lunch is booked at Corbett Court on Sunday Dec 4th after walks arranged in the nearby area. Please forward your names to Deirdre 0876569224 as soon as possible
Easter Trip
The club has decided to visit the Mourne Mountains for their annual Easter weekend away. This trip is suitable for all walkers and walks will be arranged once we have numbers. Further details on this will be available soon.
Summer Trips 
If any member is interested in organising a trip for the club, either abroad or at home please send the details to the secretary for circulation to all club members.
Celebration Of 25 Years as a Club
2023 sees the 25th birthday of the club. Plans are in motion presently to celebrate in style. A group of volunteers are looking at various suggestions and would welcome any ideas. Please contact the club if you'd like to be involved.

